Kupeza is Available on Mobile


Frequently Asked Questions

Kupeza / FAQ

Kupeza FAQs

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions

Yes, you can search by specific location, you can do so by entering your key words in the search bar. i.e. “two bed-roomed houses for rent, kalingalinga.
You can search using the map by selecting a particular area on the map and properties around that area will be availed to you.
When you click on the property of your interest, you can then access buttons that will reveal his/her number, plus you can directly send him/her your message.
Visit the contact us page, get in touch with us via e-mail, phone or direct message and we will get back to you and walk you through the necessary steps that will give you exclusive access to your property or ultimately have it removed from our site.
Unfortunately, we cannot revoke their accounts, but instead, you can remove them from your list of managed agents. A user can only have their account revoked when they breach the code of ethics or terms and conditions.
Unfortunately, you cannot access it in a different language, but in due time the feature will be made available.
You can access the mobile app through the google play store and apple app store where it is available for download.
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